HS-Lehrgang Interkulturelle_r Trainer_in /Modul 4 (interkulturelle) Kommunikation, SS 2018, Kirchliche PH Linz
HS-Lehrgang Interkulturelle_r Trainer_in /Modul 3 (interkulturelle) Kommunikation, SS 2018, Kirchliche PH Linz
March 13th to 18th 2018
Hafiz and Matthias
Let us seek deeper understanding and fresh perspectives.
‘Thanmaya’ Jesuit Centre, Kottayam, Kerala, India
Thomas Abraham, Matthias Scharer, Tessie George
4th to 8th March 2018
February 14th to March 1st: Two weeks of intense work at the Ruth Cohn Archive on Humboldt University in Berlin. A lot of discoveries in Ruth C. Cohn make the hard work attractive. We registered about 11.000 pages of the heritage. Some documents are from about 1850 (letters of the parents etc.). Also documents from after her emigration to Switzeland and afte to the US.
Tagung "Grenzen überschreiten. Zu Fragen der Interreligiosität, Interkulturalität und Diversität im hochschulpastoralen Kontext, 29.-30.1.2018, München-Fürstenried.
Thesen - Texte: Vortrag am 29.1.2018
HS-Lehrgang Interkulturelle_r Trainer_in /Modul 2 (interkulturelle) Kommunikation, SS 2018, Kirchliche PH Linz